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Building Endurance

Building your endurance

Hello and Welcome!

This weeks topic is building endurance!

This is a very important component in your fitness journey. Whether you are just starting your journey or are an athlete, building endurance can unlock new levels of strength and stamina. What is endurance really? It is the ability of your body to sustain an activity over a period of time while resisting fatigue. Cardiovascular endurance is all about the efficiency of the heart and lungs in taking oxygen to the muscles. No matter what your goals are, increased oxygen is helpful to all the muscles of your body. Muscular endurance involves the ability of your muscles to work out as many reps as possible over a period of time. When you train your body to increase endurance, it is important to improve both of these aspects. 

The benefit of building up your endurance is that you will notice increased energy levels, reduced fatigue, and even improved mental clarity and focus. It will also help you with weight loss and boost your metabolism. 

While building up your endurance, set realistic goals for yourself. Start with small and attainable goals then increase the challenges as you progress. You can increase the intensity, duration, or frequency of your workouts. Keep track of each milestone or step you achieve. Be sure to celebrate your achievements! One bit of advice is to mix up your workouts with different types of exercise to challenge your body and prevent boredom. Be sure that whichever muscle group you train (if you worked on muscle endurance), you give 24 hours of rest in between to allow that muscle group to heal and get stronger. 

While you are working on your endurance be sure to stay hydrated. Usually when you work on endurance exercises, you will sweat quite a bit. A well as burn a lot of carbs, as your body seeks out carbs for energy first. So definitely stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after you workout. Also, if you know you are going to be working out for a long time, do not go into a workout in a fasting mode. The carbs that your body might have saved will deplete in 20 min or so. What next, your body goes for the stored glycogen in your muscles and liver (which is not good if you are trying to build up muscle size and strength). After that is burned off, then your body will go to burning fat molecules for energy. 

When you feel this shift of the source of energy, you will typically feel extremely fatigued. To avoid this fatigue and not take from your muscles, it is best to become more efficient on utilizing fat as fuel. This happens by eating carb rich foods during prolonged exercises sessions. These workouts are usually long and slow though. 

If you are not an athlete in training and just want to work on your basic endurance though, just be sure to balance your carbs. Eat a healthy carb source before your workout, about 30 min or more so it has time to get to your blood stream. Remember that after your workout, your body is on high metabolism mode, meaning that you still burn high calories for up to 2 hours later. So you can still eat another source of healthy carbs in that time frame so that you don’t feel that “post-workout crash”. 

Fitness motivation from the bible!

1 Corinthians 9: 26-27

“So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.” 

Whatever your fitness goals are, I encourage you to keep going. You are the only one running your race. Run your race to the best of your ability. Train your body to be healthy and strong. 

This weeks workout

Equipment needed - Db’s and a long cable(s) with handles

Step Through Upward Chest Fly 

Plank Walk (2 over) to Pushup

Cable Standing Chest Flies

Plank Alt. Arm Triceps Kickbacks

DB Chest Press to Fly

Pushup to Elbow Up/Down

Standing Cable Overhead Ext 

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If you have any fitness or nutrition questions feel free to reach out. I would love to help you along with your fitness journey. Thanks for your time and I hope you have an awesome week!

Kiara Paz

Condition By Kia

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